42 Iskandar Puteri

Iskandar Puteri,
About 42 Iskandar Puteri

Learn to code with 42 Iskandar Puteri!

42 Iskandar Puteri is a tuition-free, future-proof computer science school with a peer-to-peer learning environment that does not involve teachers and lectures. It is an innovative education model that was designed to develop the skills needed to develop technical and people skills that match the expectations of the labor market using a project-based learning approach.

Contact info

Address :
Iskandar Puteri, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Campus life

  • Open 24/7
  • Access to Sunway University & Sunway College
  • High Speed Internet Access and WiFi
  • Over 150 iMac workstations
  • Access to pre-accelerator programmes and investors
  • Within walking distance to variety of student accommodation