42 Québec

About 42 Québec

Coding in Canada

Québec Numérique, a non-profit organization providing synergy for all players in Québec’s digital community, is propelling 42 Québec. The organization’s proximity to the various businesses in the region makes it a privileged witness to the IT sector’s significant challenges. Offering accessible high-level training to enable a new generation of talent is the solution supplied by Quebec Numérique to overcome the labour shortage.

42 Québec’s first goal is to offer the industry’s most suitable training by connecting students and businesses. Thus, the students will have a concrete idea of what to expect after their studies and make informed choices. Then, companies will have access to specialized talents that meet their needs.

42 Québec - Québec

Contact info

Address :
330 Rue Saint-Vallier E
Québec, QC
Canada G1K 9C5

Campus life

  • Open 24/7
  • 208 workstations
  • 3 clusters, including one subdued for better focus
  • An auditorium and a lounge
  • 5 meeting rooms for teamwork
  • A relaxation room, a games room and a dining room
  • Accessible to people with reduced mobility
  • 4 workstations suitable for wheelchairs